
by Roberta Cykon


By Pastor Bobby Schuller

"Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God's people and also members of his household..."
- Ephesians 2:19

When Notre Dame University presented religious writer and activist, Dorothy Day, with its Laetare Medal, they thanked her for "comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable." And that's the the purpose of the church, of every church - to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

Every church is meant to form into us life, discipleship, and growth. It's a crucible of being in relationship with someone you didn't pick, someone that drives you crazy, someone that's totally different than you culturally. However, being in a spiritual family with them, you find that the pain and annoyance is so good for you. You need that. Trust me, because you're probably driving some other people crazy yourself!

Within Christianity, within the church, there is something mystic and wonderful that happens between believers where tradition, denomination, or culture doesn't seem to matter. People who really love Jesus and are filled with the Holy Spirit have an automatic camaraderie with one another.

I experienced this all the time growing up in the church where you would meet another Christian, a complete stranger, you could almost see Jesus in their eyes, and you'd say, "You're a Christian, aren't you?" Or, you would get to know someone and, all of a sudden, you'd know that they were a believer - we're bound, we're family, this is a brother or sister I've never met. This is someone I'm going to spend eternity with.

Wow! This is an amazing thing - God tying us together through our shared belief in him.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I need your help. Sometimes I'm not patient with others, even when they share my faith in you. Help me to grow in camaraderie with others as I grow in you. Amen.

Reflection: Describe a time when you were at odds with another believer. How did God help you through the circumstance


"I cannot even begin to start to describe the way my life has changed since I have had the opportunity to represent Integrity Beauty. I am so thankful that I have been given the opportunity to use the trials I have experienced in my life and create a platform to help encourage women of all ages about domestic violence, learning to love and value your self. As I look at my crown I believe that each stone represents each life that I have helped to mentor, encourage and inspire.

IB is an awesome program to help women who have not only powerful stories and desire to have their voice heard, but to improve confidence and self esteem working as a team with a network of women with the same goal in mind. To promote Integrity and Excellence in our lives and our communities but also to give back to those who so desperately want to be loved and valued.

IB is the first program I have ever worked with that allows women to be heard and recognized for their life experience. IB does more than Heals Hearts and Inspire Lives, it creates a fire with in you to forgive your self for your past mistakes and passionately birth a desire to help as many as you can who are lost in this world."

- Mary Kay Homchosky

Inaugural Integrity Beauty Woman of Excellence